Julie Hatcher
Julie Hatcher
also writing as Julie Anne Lindsey, Jacqueline Frost, Bree Baker
Join the ARC Team

Do you like to review free books? Enjoy being the first of your friends to know what's coming next in a series?

Then you can help Julie reach her author goals by joining the ARC Team!

Team Rules:

1. Julie will notify you when ARCs are coming, and you decide if you're available to read and review.
2. When you agree to accept the book, you are also agreeing to do two things:
        (1) Post your review on Amazon or another Retailers (KOBO, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, etc) ON release day
        (2) Post a review on Goodreads as soon as possible, after you’ve finished reading - (other possible locations for early reviews: your blog, your facebook page, a cozy readers facebook group, instagram, etc)

As part of the ARC Team, you will be asked to join a private FB group, where you will receive notification of available titles, graphics to share, and follow-up reminders before and after release day, so you won't forget to review.

Also, a form will be available for you to submit links or screen shots of your reviews.

Special Note: There’s limited space on the team, but reliable reviewers are SO important. First time reviewers can expect a Royal Welcome, so let Julie know you’re interested below! You’ll be notified as soon as your spot is confirmed.

Thank you for your interest in the ARC Team!
ARC Team Application